Cantharellus is an Actually RARE Stony Coral

We’ve been window shopping the supply of corals for sale online for the past few weeks just to take stock of what most vendors are selling and we’ve come away with a couple thoughts. First of all, we understand the…

Awesome Fungiid is either Podabacia or a special form of Lithophyllon

Podabacia is a very unique genus of disc corals which is hardly never seen in the aquarium trade, let alone in any interesting color. How are lucky are we then that we stumbled upon an amazing colony of Podabacia motuporensis, in…

We told you Malaysian corals were hot!

Malaysian corals are just starting to spread out to various and we are excited at what we are seeing so far. Like we said in our previous post about Borneo/Malaysian corals, fungiids and mussids will be greatly represented with this…