Martin Moe Diadema urchin spawning work documented in video

If you want to understand why the coral reefs of the Caribbean went from wonderful to wasteland, a lot of the ecological change seems to hinge on a plague that nearly wiped out Diadema sea urchins in 1983. With that idea…

Martin A. Moe, Jr., Speaking Twice in 2013

We hope that Martin A. Moe Jr., godfather of marine ornamental fish breeding and author of the best selling marine aquarium book, the Marine Aquarium Handbook – Beginner to Breeder – needs no introduction. We’ll simply mention that he was…

Martin Moe’s Marine Aquarium Handbook named best science book of 2010

Martin Moe is truly one of the ground breakers in the hobby and his tome “Marine Aquarium Handbook: Beginner to Breeder” is a must read and handy companion to have around. Recently Moe’s book was awarded a Ben Franklin Award in the Best…

Revised and Expanded Edition of Martin Moe’s Marine Aquarium Handbook: Beginner to Breeder

How many of you have been reefing for more than 10 years and Martin Moe’s Marine Aquarium Handbook was your bible well before The Reef Aquarium gained that title? Well now a whole new generation of beginner to breeder aquarists…