Maxspect sends warning over Jebao’s “Cross-flow wave making pump”

Maxspect is keeping up the pressure on making sure Jebao gets the message to stop infringing on other company’s designs and patents. On Tuesday, Maxspect shared an email they posted online sending a warning to Jebao about using the company’s…

Maxspect 1000 watt LED light is bright enough for the largest tanks

The Maxspect f1000w Floodlight is a powerful lighting engine powered by one thousand watts of Light Emitting Diodes. At two feet long, the Maxspect 1000 watt LED floodlight is about the size of a small suitcase. Packing in this much power into…

MaxSpect uses novel method to demonstrate water flow

Demonstrating the complex fluid dynamics that occur when water flow moves in an aquarium is a tall order. Not many have tried to explain it, let alone demonstrate how water moves in real time, but we think MaxSpect has taken…

MaxSpect Gyre XF180 to be unveiled at MACNA

The Gyre XF180 is the newest and largest new model to be officially revealed by MaxSpect, and it will be formally displayed at MACNA 2015 in Washington D.C. next weekend. The FX180 marks the third new model of powerful Gyre…

The new Ethereal LED is gorgeous on its own

Nearly a year after it was first unveiled, MaxSpect’s Ethereal LED is still not quite ready for a general release. MaxSpect has been busy working on the Ethereal, fielding feedback from customers in addition to getting the Gyre pump just right, and…

MaxSpect teases prototypes of massive new Gyre XL series of pumps

Gyre XL是Maxspect上周末在Aquarama上展示的Maxspect Gyre Pump的巨大新版本。除了Gyre FX130的新转子设计外,Maxspect还用两个新的原型Gyre嘲笑了我们…

MaxSpect Gyre new rotor and foam guards

Maxspect并不以其桂冠而闻名,而Gyre FX150和FX130在市场上大约6个月,他们已经在研究调整和改进,以使泵更好,更可靠。这…

MaxSpect Ethereal LED is just about ready for prime time

自从我们对Maxspect Ethereal LED有任何更新以来,已经有很长时间了,但是将近一年后,我们期待着下周在Aquarama上看到新的灯光。Maxspect的…首次在Interzoo透露。

Bluefish Mini is a drop-in controller for LED lights including the MaxSpect RazR

There’s a whole crop of great and controllable LED lights that create a really sweet and suitable color spectrum for our reef tank and corals, but the only thing holding them back is even more functionality, and especially the fun…

New rubber mount dramatically reduces noise of MaxSpect Gyre pump

The MaxSpect Gyre has been making literal waves in the aquarium water pump space for the last several months and the larger XF150 is a beast of a water mover. The 50 watt DC motor powering the large, dual-vaned gyre…