Redesigned Mindstream Housing Hints At Progress Towards Launch

The Mindstream has been a long time coming, and questions of its continued existence seem to arise every couple of months. There is a reasonable amount of doubt that the Mindstream could possibly do all that it claims, but in all…

MindStream statement assures us that the monitor is still coming

The MindStream Monitoring System is one of the most exciting products that’s ever been proposed to the aquarium hobby. Unfortunately, this type of sophisticated technology is much more capital-intensive than simply bringing a new LED light to market. While the…

Update on the MindStream water monitoring system

The MindStream KickStarter may have failed to reach its lofty goal of $300,000 but that doesn’t mean that parent company Step Ahead Innovations is dead in the water. Far from it, while the successful funding campaign would have brought the…

MindStream Aquarium Monitor goes live on Kickstarter

The MindStream Kickstarter campaign kicks off today with the new, potentially revolutionary new water monitoring device going to the first round of backers for the totally reasonable sum of $499. Currently, aquarium water quality management and testing can be one…

Mindstream Aquarium Monitor is alive and coming soon

The Mindstream Aquarium Monitoring System is a groundbreaking new device that was first announced in late 2013, but then went completely radio silent for all of last year. The Mindstream Monitor turned a lot of heads by promising to be…

Mindstream aquarium water monitor is aiming to make a huge splash

The Mindstream is a new type of aquarium monitoring device which is aiming to bring about big changes in aquarium water testing and monitoring. With no explanation as to how it works, fundamentally, the Mindstream is designed to continuously monitor…