Reef Fish Will Risk It All For A Tasty Meal

Coral Reef Habitats Coral reefs are complex three-dimensional landscapes and coral reef fish experience this ‘landscape of fear’ based on how much shelter is available compared to the number of predators roaming the reef. A new study from the University of California,…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Deep water Chromis sp

深水从未描述Chromis物种是lesser known fish that has been living in the shadows of the deep, as well as the recent haul of Peppermint angels. The recent peppermint collection has created much buzz around the…

Peppermint angelfish video is the first of its kind showing Paracentropyge boylei in the wild

The Peppermint Angelfish that is swimming around the Waikiki Aquarium right now is a sensational fish and we’ve got the whole scoop on this particular Paracentropyge boylei. Rich Pyle did indeed catch this peppermint angelfish in Moorea at a depth of…

Peppermint Angelfish (Paracentropyge boylei) shows up at Waikiki Aquarium

The peppermint angelfish, Paracentyropyge boylei, is by far the apex of holy grail reef fish in the aquarium hobby. To this day only one specimen is known to be alive in captivity, under the care of a Japanese aquarist. Another live…

Amazing high definition video of Tuamotu is reason enough to visit the French Polynesia

If the amazing video above of Tuamotu isn’t reason enough to make you wanna visit the French Polynesia, then perhaps the diversity of fish and island atolls will. The French Polynesia is made of six major island groups, with Tahiti…

Pseudanthias privitera captured on video schooling in the deep of Moorea

[youtube width=”680″ height=”400″][/youtube] Pseudanthias privitera is a stunning medium sized, slender species of deepwater anthias known mostly from the Cook Islands. Sometimes when gorgeous reef fish like these delicate privitera anthias are shipped halfway aroudn the world to aquarium hubs,…

Algae-grazing fish help preserve corals

We’ve all seen how algae can choke off corals in our home aquariums and the same holds true in the wild. But algae-grazing fish in the wild are doing their parts to keep algae levels low on natural reefs to…