

Holiday ornament from the sea? Video of feather star is stunning

This stunning video of a feather star is a reminder of just how wonderful and majestic the creatures of the sea can be. Like a special holiday ornament, the feather star have been around for a few New Year’s celebrations…

Getting a closer look at the GBR’s mysterious “Blue Hole”

The mystical “blue hole” discovered this fall on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is breathtaking, but National Geographic recently explored the depths, capturing this breathtaking feature on video. Besides just being beautiful, scientists look to these formations as a great resource…

Chasing the world’s most expensive aquarium fish, the Asian Arowana

We have seen some startling price tags on some rare saltwater fish and collector corals, but nothing compares to paying $300,000 for a red Asian Arowana. In a new book, The Dragon Behind the Glass: A True Story of Power,…

Pitcairn Islands sports exquisitely pristine marine life

A recent expedition by National Geographic to the Pitcairn Islands group has documented an incredibly pristine reef the likes of which are almost no longer on this earth. As part of the Pristine Seas project, divers and documentarians from National…

National Geographic Aquarium products now available at Petsmart

National Geographic Aquarium products are real and they are already on the shelves of the local Petsmart. NatGeo is well known for its magazine and endeavors of exploration all over the world so you can imagine our surprise when we…

谷歌在水下巢穴在the Great Barrier Reef to celebrate Earth Day

我们喜欢大堡礁的Google Earth映射,很高兴发现计划庆祝地球日的特别活动。National Geagraphing正在为Google+上进行特别的“聚会”,其中包括一个将…的参与者。

Coelacanth video from NatGeo is up close and personal

The Nat Geo channel recently shared this fantastic video of divers with a large Coelacanth. While the size was impressive, the articulation in the Coelacanth’s distinctive three-lobed caudal fin is fascinating. We could do without the faked underwater conversation (where’s…



Fishtank Kings — National Geographic releasing new aquarium reality show

Fishtank Kings is a new TV series that will air on National Geographic. Liked Tanked before it, the show will highlight both private and public aquarium builds. Living Color the full service fish tank maintenance and installation company that has…