How To Identify 20 Stony Corals From Indonesia

Often scuba divers focus on tiny critters, schools of fish, or jumbo-sized creatures like whales, dolphins, and sharks. This leaves corals to get lumped together under a single term ‘coral reef’ which is far too general to describe the hundreds of individual…

A contrasting trio of Mycedium chalice corals

On a recent tour of the Dallas World Aquarium, we had to opportunity to see a very unusual colony of Mycedium, together with two other recognizable species in the genus. All three colonies of these chalice corals were imported as Mycedium…

Age of Aquariums has grown the Mother of all Space Invader Pectinia

Even after all these years, the Space Invader Pectinia is such a recognizable coral in American reef aquariums that we love seeing it in diverse tanks, and especially when they are big. But no Space Invader Pectinia that we have…

Rainbow Pectinia alcicornis are totally hot this year

Rainbow Pectinia are a new breed of the once obscure group of corals which are making a big splash this year. Although corals in the wild haven’t changed, what we harvest for our reef tanks changes quite a lot and…

Wild Singapore’s FlickR stream is a great source of wild coral photography

这往往是很容易forget where the corals from our systems actually came from, or what they looked like in the wild. Wild Singapore’s photo stream is a huge collection of under water life photography and contains many…

Sensational plating Pectinia colonies ready to further the chalice coral craze

Pectinia is one of the most overlooked coral genera of all the LPS stony corals and for good reason too. Until recently all the Pectinia that were collected for the aquarium trade were brown, grey or greenish with boring shapes and…

苏拉威西岛珊瑚出口带来新的财富s from the Coral Triangle

Sulawesi corals are about to pick up where Borneo corals left off, we hope. A couple years ago there was some efforts to get Borneo corals into the aquarium trade, and that hasn’t panned out yet, but now Sulawesi corals may become…

Alien Eye Spiny Chalice Pectinia at Vivid is truly a unique coral

Holy moly, we have so much stuff to post today we may as well get started with a little eye candy. And by eye candy we do mean this truly unique Pectinia alcicornis which by chalice naming convention should be…