Dr. Rocha is Treating us to some Delectable Anthias Photography

Anthias are the quintessential reef fish which can occur in huge schools on shallow sunlit reefs. But anthias are also quite common in deeper reefs as well, these being species we rarely get to see, unless deep diving collectors go…

Acclimating Anthias to aquarium life

Anthias are the perfect reef fish; an active, colorful, and generally peaceful fish that typifies the beautiful and busy reef scene aquarists long to recreate. This article is for the prospective anthias-keeper looking to maximize his or her chances of success. Pseudanthias…

Long Island’s Country Critters as seen through a pictorial of really cool fish

If you want to see a diverse selection of really oddball fish, Long Island’s Country Critters is the bee’s knees and it was a great pleasure to pass through their facility last week. You might recall a video that we…