The Coral Sea Pseudanthias cf. aurulentus looks even more amazing in a reef

A few days ago we wrote about a potentially new Pseudanthias species from Cairns Marine that has been coming out of the Coral Sea. This remarkable fish has been dubbed temporarily as Pseudanthias cf. aurulentus and is a member of the…

Pseudanthias cf. aurulentus from the Coral Sea may turn out to be a new species

The genus Pseudanthias is growing at a rate of at least one new member per year as the reefs of the Pacific continue to drip feed us with brand new, never before seen species. In 2013 we saw the appearance of the…

Pseudanthias privitera captured on video schooling in the deep of Moorea

[youtube width=”680″ height=”400″][/youtube] Pseudanthias privitera is a stunning medium sized, slender species of deepwater anthias known mostly from the Cook Islands. Sometimes when gorgeous reef fish like these delicate privitera anthias are shipped halfway aroudn the world to aquarium hubs,…