Awesome Fish Spotlight: The Lined Dartfish, Ptereleotris grammica

Ptereleotris, commonly known as wormfishes or dartfishes, is a genus well represented in the aquarium hobby. With over half a dozen colorful, peaceful and affordable species to choose from, these wormlike pseudo-gobies make for a great addition to any reef tank.…

Navigobius dewa, a new firefish genus and species

Navigobius dewa is a sensational new species and genus of dartfish with some very firefish-like qualities. Described in 2009 from specimen collected in Kagoshima Bay, Japan, Navigobius dewa is so unique that it was placed into a genus all it’s…

Bar gobies, Ptereleotris zebra: common fish are cool too

[youtube width=”680″ height=”400″][/youtube] We may spend an inordinate amount of time talking about the rarest fish in the hobby, but we’ve got nothing but love for the bread n butter fish that fill the tanks of hobbyists around the world.…