The Rowley Shoals is home to pristine coral reefs as well as some very unique fish

[youtube][/youtube] The Rowley Shoals is a group of atolls located south of the Timor Sea, NorthWest of Australia. The undisturbed reefs of Rowley Shoals really speak for themselves in the video above. Check out the awesome male Pseudanthias tuka with…

The top four breakthrough exciting reef aquarium fishes of 2011

2011 has been a fantastic year for aquarium reef fish enthusiasts. Not only have we seen a great deal of exceptional fishes in terms of rarity and beauty, we’ve also scouted some potential would-be aquarium staples in the near future.…

Pacific Island Aquatics scores with very unusual Randall’s Anthias lookalike

Pacific Island Aquatics recently brought in this curious looking anthias rumored to have come from Kiribati Islands at 245ft. While the fish bears a striking resemblance to Pseudanthias randalli, it is pretty obvious that it is not. First off the range…

Assessor randalli is a seldom seen, virtually unknown member of the genus

Somewhere along our reefing lives we’ve probably thought about keeping the upside down-swimming Assessors – either the Blue Assessor (A. macneilli), or its yellow counterpart, the Yellow Assessor (A. flavissimus). If the thought of keeping either one has never crossed…