This Super Green Kenya Tree’ from Reefkoi is the Bomb!


Check out this sweet green toadstool leather coral we picked up at ReefStock

When we are at the reef shows, and coral hunting, we usually have stony corals almost exclusively in mind. It takes a special kind of soft coral to grab our attention, and this green toadstool leather coral is exactly the…

Evolution’s newest LED light will be a monster with Multichip diodes

ReefKoi has just sent over these images of the next Evolution LED light they are working on, and man this thing is going to be a Hoss! The fixture of the new EvoLed has a heavy duty all-aluminum construction which is a radical departure…


The EvoLED TS is a new, forthcoming fixture from Evolution LED that incorporates a touchscreen controller. Based on the recently introdced EvoLED Color, the EvoLED TS is basically the same device with integrated touchable controls and display. We expect the EvoLED…

Two-face Australomussa has all the earmarks of a coral Chimera

The Two-face Australomussa pictured here from Reefkoi shows a remarkable pattern of color distribution so striking that it deserved to be called something special. We’ve all seen a fair amount of weird color mixing in various LPS corals, with chalice…

Reefkoi将控制器和无线远程选项添加到Evoslim Light

Reefkoi added an option of a new controller with wireless remote control to the EvoSlim light. The new option will only add another $30 to the price of the light and gives you the ability to create a custom light…

Triangular EvoSlim from ReefKoi bring a nice slant on BridgeLux LEDs, two watts at a time

Reefkoi’s Evolution LED striplights have a new design for their Evoslim LED with a triangle profile which is designed with better mounting and heat management in mind. The new triangular Evoslim LED is 1.25 inches with and 7/8 of an…

Nano Evo LED is the smallest new light from ReefKoi’s Evolution LED

The Nano Evo LED is a new small reef aquarium light from ReefKoi’s Evolution line of affordable LED lights. Not to be confused with the Koralia Evo Nano water pumps, ReefKoi’s new Nano Evo LED is a diminutive 6 x…

Bicolor maxima clam from Reefkoi is a new color pattern to us

Aberrations in giant clams are not unheard of but they are few and far between. There is one extreme example of a bicolor maxima clam from Tamotu and Reefkoi has previously had a gold foil maxima clam but his latest…

Sexy blue spotted squamosa clam from Vietnam appears at Reefkoi

If you needed any indication that the reef aquarium season is ramping up, other than the plethora of livestock posts we’ve published recently, then this blue spotted squamosa clam from Reefkoi ought to be a good indicator. Reefkoi’s been tanking…