人非法从波多黎各收集Ricordea,价值$ 90,000 USD

路易斯·乔尔·瓦尔加斯·马赛尔(Luis Joel Vargas Martell)(Vargas)是家庭盐水水族馆业务,Carebbean Reefers(故意拼写错误)的共同所有人,该公司也通过eBay商店在线运营“ Redragon1975”。大部分业务专门用于出售…

Bean Bag Yuma Ricordea是一个新的展览室

The ‘Bean Bag Yuma’ is an interesting color morph of the popular Ricordea yuma which is somehow familiar in coloration, but wildly different in its appearance. Ever since the stratospheric rise of shrooms, spearheaded by the iconic WWC Bounce Shroom,…

This is an Exceptional Batch of Rainbow Top Ricordea

佛罗里达州大西洋和太平洋尤玛(Pacific Yuma)物种的莱科德人(Ricordeas)长期以来一直在礁饲养者的心态中占有特殊的位置,因为他们的颜色和独特的外观。尽管它们的蓬松,长长的假轨迹使它们类似于很小的……

3D Printed Ricordea Nursery is Great for Loose Polyps & Soft Corals

对大型艳丽的Ricordea Yuma的兴趣正在上升,随之而来的是,水族馆爱好可用的质量标本数量有所增加。但是澳大利亚一直很热门,因为他们的大型“ Rics”和Coral…




Saltwater Shrooms Mushrooms, shrooms, corallimorphs, whatever you call them, these brightly colored cnidarians are a hot commodity in the marine aquarium hobby. Shrooms are great for beginners because of their hardy care requirements, and popular amongst seasoned aquarist for their…

当大海就像玻璃一样,那是这些早晨之一。几天前,一位收藏家向我提到了关于礁石的关于礁石的信息,该礁被“稀薄的蘑菇海葵”(Aka Discosoma Sp)覆盖。我不需要进一步谈论,我…
Ricordea Yuma仍然是业余爱好中最杰出的棚屋



填写你的新礁坦克最大的一个challenges for new aquarium hobbyists is patience. It’s not uncommon to have a rock garden in your living room for two months before your aquarium is cycled and ready for its…

