Jim Walters, Walt Smith and Rufus Kimura’s MACNA presentations now online

MACNA 2014 may be long over but thanks to the hard work by the folks over at Bulk Reef Supply, there’s still a steady weekly flow of MACNA presentation videos. The MACNA 2014 organizers worked very hard to reach outside…

Captive bred Genicanthus personatus debuts at MACNA 2014

Today 30/08/2014 marks a historic date in the rare fish and captive breeding circle. Some of you may have heard rumors floating around for awhile now but today we put a stop to all the coffee shop gossip. Genicanthus personatus…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Deep water Chromis sp

深水从未描述Chromis物种是lesser known fish that has been living in the shadows of the deep, as well as the recent haul of Peppermint angels. The recent peppermint collection has created much buzz around the…

Video updates on BlueHarbor’s Roa excelsa and Prognathodes basabei

It has been a few weeks since the butterflyfish demigods landed in BlueHarbor, and we’re pleased to report that they are doing amazing. We first caught wind of these fish while they were still with Rufus Kimura, and then again…

Hawaiian deepwater rarities get an update: Butterflyfish and Aurora basslet legends

The recent expedition by Rufus Kimura into the Hawiian depths yielded some amazing fish. We’re glad to receive some good updates from BlueHarbor on the health and current status of these fish. The most unnerving part of all this is…

BlueHarbor gets ready for the ultimate deepwater Hawaiian collection

The contents in this container is worth more words. Koji’s latest attempts at stunning the general public with his amazing capability of obtaining rare fish did not end in futility. Nearly every popular Hawaiian deepwater twilight zone inhabiting reef fish…

Five live peppermint Angelfish make their way to Blue Harbor Japan

Somewhere in Osaka Japan, down deep in the fish conditioning vault of Blue Harbor Aquariums, rests no less than five little treasures from the Pacific Ocean, the illustrious peppermint angelfish, Paracentropyge boylei. The quintet of holy grail reef fish arrived…

BlueHarbor releases exciting footage of Centropyge narcosis feeding in captivity

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaIS672kfAM&feature=channel&list=UL[/youtube] One of the flawless Centropyge narcosis that was collected has gone to BlueHarbor, and the footage above shows a perfectly healthy, conditioned C. narcosis feeding in captivity. Although C. narcosis has entered the Japanese trade many years ago, this is probably…

Roa excelsa status: one is still swimming

As we reported a while back, one of the best shops in Japan, Blue Harbor, obtained two Roa excelsa from Hawaii three weeks ago. Unfortunately, one of the butterflyfish was already dead in a plastic bag when they arrived at…