This Colorific Hammer Coral has a Trick up its Tentacles

Orange hammer corals have become all the rage since Australian coral exports first began, and we now can enjoy nearly all colors of the rainbow from green to ‘toxic green’ to orange, peachy, and even some shades of purple. However…

Platygryra Fusion When Colonies Collide

When unrelated corals and colonies grow into each other on the reef, one of three things tend to happen; Coral A kills Coral B, Coral A overgrows Coral B, or they simply come to a mutual standstill. These two different Platygyra scribbled brain…

This Remix Lord Coral will be at ReefStock Australia

ReefStock Australia is shaping up to be the country’s biggest reef show ever and already we’re starting to get a peek at what makes this show special. This crazy Micro Lord coral collected by Salty Pets is just one example…

Peculiar thin-branching Euphyllia collected in Cairns, Australia

The stony coral genus Euphyllia includes at least nine species that each display a staggering degree of diversity, but it seems like there’s still a few corals out there which don’t fit the mold for what is already known and documented…

Endless Goni – a tumbleweed Goniopora breaks the rules of attachment

A coral by and large is a colony of polyp animals that is attached to the reef – it sits there, grows onto the reef, sometimes it breaks off but it’s supposed to re-attach or at least stabilize itself. Not…