Traveling reefer blues and the anxieties of the vacationing aquarist

Piling the kids in the car. The smell of the ocean and coconut sun screen. Getting up in the middle of the night so you can be on the road when there is not much traffic. These are some of…

The Decline of the Local Fish Store (And Some Possible Ways to Save them)

The mom and pop grocery store, the local hardware store, the corner Five-and-Dime are all stores that have for the most part vanished from our lives due to big box stores replacing them. Unfortunately the same thing is happening more…

What traits make a great reefer?

While sitting around with Julian, Jake and Sanjay, an interesting discussion developed as to what traits make a great reefer. It was a lively debate as each of us had our own ideas of what traits really differentiate great reefers…