Polyart水族馆in Singapore Is Open 24 Hours A Day

Polyart水族馆is a very interesting store which has the singular distinction of being open 24 hours a day. Located in Singapore, Polyart Aquarium caters to all kinds of fish, both fresh and saltwater and not only are they open…

S.E.A’s coral reef display is a veritable kaleidoscope of beauty

Oh S.E.A. Where do we begin. In our travels we’re fortunate enough to visit a hodgepodge of public aquariums. Often times we get to see behind the scenes, to the heart of the facility, where the quiet humming of machines…

Top 3 biggest annual reveals of Skimz products

As we prepare ourselves for the biennial voyage to Singapore for the Aquarama conference, we can’t help but reflect on one of Singapore’s key players in the marine aquarium manufacturing market, Skimz. Every year, whether leading up to Aquarama in odd…

Two weeks until Aquarama 2015 in Singapore

It’s just two weeks until the kickoff of Aquarama 2015, and we are anxiously awaiting our return to Singapore to visit with our Southeast Asian aquarium friends. Aquarama is nowhere near the size and scale of InterZoo in Germany, but there’s…

A spectacular terminal male Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus debuts in Singapore

For hardcore wrasse lovers, Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus needs no introductions. For the less avid wrasse aficionados, here’s a little short intro before we dive into the story proper. Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus is a deepwater japanese endemic not to be confused with Cirrhilabrus…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Cirrhilabrus brunneus, specter of darkness

Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight is a recap on a species that we’ve highlighted before, but aims to introduce new pictures of a brand new specimen that recently entered the market again. Cirrhilabrus brunneus is a rare species that is closely…

AI Hydra 52 to make its Asian debut in Reef Depot’s open house launch party this December

The highly anticipated Hydra 52 from Aqua Illumination will make its debut in the Asian market sooner than you think! Reef Depot from Singapore is set to release the AI Hydra and the AI Director this December 14th during the…

Digiman shares his new Pseudanthias rubrolineatus and Cirrhilabrus claire in a video update

Digiman is back with a new tank update showing a glimpse of his exquisite collection once again. Fans of rare fish who follow Reefbuilders often should be familiar with this Singaporean reefer. With an extensive know how of deepwater rare…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Cirrhilabrus claire like you’ve never seen, up close and in HD

今天的公关是什么可怕的鱼聚光灯功能obably the rarest and least often seen species of Cirrhilabrus currently that has entered the trade. These are some of the clearest pictures of a large stunning alpha male anywhere right now and…

The real Odontanthias chrysostictus from Indonesia is only the second specimen we’ve seen so far

Having recently untangled the confusing web spun by the three highly similar Odontanthias species, we are now able to look at things with a fresh slate and a brand new perspective. Here’s a looker worth a few minutes of your…