Video: Stunning adult blue squamosa clam in Tulamben, Bali

When it comes to giant clams, very few species can truly grab our attention like a nice, big, blue squamosa clam. Sure our heads will turn for a crazy rare Tonga Devil clam, an African Costata clam, blue Derasa clams…

Blue squamosa clams are back at Global Reef Supply

Blue Squamosa clams are a particular aquarium animal which holds a very special place in our salty hearts. Compared to regular Tridacna squamosa, the ‘blue squammies’ are so much more stunning and they are among the most colorful large bivalve you…

Teardrop squamosa clam masquerades as Tridacna noae

You’re probably familiar with teardrop ‘maxima’ clams which were recently described as a new species, Tridacna noae. But have you ever heard of a teardrop Squamosa clam? Us neither, but this recently revealed specimen acquired by Global Reef Supply sure does…

Tridacna Clams in Reef Aquariums

Giant clams of the genus Tridacna are popular mollusks for reef aquariums. Oftentimes, people unfamiliar with the ocean are familiar only with the shells of clams. Their true beauty, however, can only be realized when they are living and healthy,…