Gold Torch Anemone is Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Seen

If you’re anything like us, when your eyes first focused on the image above you instinctively thought this coral was one of many new strains of gold or holy grail style torch corals which are all the rage in the…

Yellow Carpet Anemone is a Sensational Stichodactyla

The yellow carpet anemone recently discovered by Outback Aquatics might be the last shade of the rainbow to be seen in this beautiful reef animal. We’ve seen and enjoyed some amazing specimens of Stichodactyla carpet anemones in blue, red, green,…

Get A Look at this Rainbow Carpet Anemone!

Back in my day, bright blue or purple carpet anemones were the bee’s knees, and I distinctly remember where I was when I heard there were RED carpet anemones, and again when I first saw one. That’s all ancient history now because…

This red carpet anemone in Bali is looking incredible!

Red carpet anemones are one of the most exotic clownfish-hosting anemone on the reef. I had lusted for brilliant Red Sea blue and purple carpet anemones for a decade before i found out about the existence of this fascinating reef creature…

This blue Mini Maxi anemone was too irresistible to pass up

While the Mini Maxi carpet anemone craze was in full swing we sat on the sidelines watching all these wonderful little cnidarians making their way into aquariums. We’ve always been fond of the tee-ninesy little micro carpets that Gary Majchrzak first…

Red carpet anemone and tricinctus clownfish filmed at Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands

Red carpet anemones were once only the purview of imagination and hearsay. Nowadays red carpet anemones do appear in the aquarium trade, even if they can cost as much as a full nano reef set up sometimes. All of the red…

Wyoming Whites on a Blue Carpet

Last MACNA in New Jersey I picked up a pair of brand spanking’ new Wyoming White (Amphiprion ocellaris) clownfish just released to the market by C-Quest via Ocean Gallery II. I flew the expensive little freak beauties home and set…