I Got Stung By a Ball-Tentacle Shroom!

Shrooms or corallimorphs are classified as some of the most innocuous of all stinging ‘corals’ and they tend to be at the bottom of the aggression pyramid in most reef environments. The smooth surfaces of Discosoma and most Rhodactis don’t really have…

Don’t Be Bothered by Bristleworms!

In my early days of writing for the marine aquarium hobby, I frequently cautioned fellow hobbyists to be on the lookout for “unwelcome” live rock stowaways, and high on my list of undesirables were the bristleworms. As I saw it…

Venomous Marine Fish: It’s Hard to Define the Effects of Their Stings

People are naturally fascinated by venomous animals and often very curious about the effects their venom might have on people they bite or sting. Any marine aquarium hobbyist who’s kept a lionfish, rabbitfish, saltwater catfish, or other fish species equipped…