Tinker’s/Burgess butterflyfish hybrid is a perfect cross between the two

A Chaetodon burgessi/tinkeri hybrid butterflyfish has been imported into the UK. It’s been ten whole years since we started to see these pop up in the trade but in that time very few if any have made it to England.…

Inter-subgeneric hybrids of Roaps butterflies are rare and amazing

Roaps butterflyfishes can form hybrids with other unrelated members of the butterflyfish group although very rarely, to form inter-subgeneric hybrids. Fishes and other animals generally hybridize with other species that are highly similar, usually in the same genus, or within the…

Chaetodon tinkeri shows why the roaps butterflyfishes are fearless and hardy

Hybrids aside, Chaetodon tinkeri is the least common and arguably the coolest obtainable member of the five roaps butterflyfish – with emphasis on the word obtainable. As far as butterflyfishes go, all five species within this subgenus Roaps are hardy…

Rare Butterflyfish Parade: Roa excelsa, Roaps flavocoronatus and a new Roaps tinkeri hybrid

Not sure what is in the air lately but have we got the goods on a nice handful of uber rare butterflyfish fish for you. Hot on the heels of the orange margin butterflyfish, Prognathodes basabei, we have an odd-phase…