巴布新几内亚n endemics on display by Paradise Aquariums at Aquarama 2015

Aquarama is a fish and accessories exhibition held biennially in Singapore, where exhibitors, exporters, industry authorities and hobbyists gather for a glimpse of the aquarium happenings in South-East Asia. Although Aquarama is mostly geared towards freshwater fish and their corresponding ribbon ponies, it…

Chrysiptera niger, the damselfish from Tufi, Papua New Guinea has a name

After combing the literature for a name for a damselfish from Tufi to no avail, we were delighted to hear a confirmation from a credible source that this species is Chrysiptera niger. Dr. Hiroyuki Tanaka directed Dr. Gerrald Allen’s attention…

“Tufi” damselfish and brilliant cap clownfish from Papua New Guinea are the latest reef gems revealed by Seasmart

The Tufi Damsellfish is an unidentified species of damselfish which was recently discovered by fishermen working for the Seasmart Program in Papua New Guinea. The Tufi damselfish was collected from Tufi in Oro Province of Papua New Guinea by the…