ME Amino Polyp Extender

ME Amino POLYP Extender by ME Coral is a highly concentrated amino acid solution that is designed to encourage coral growth and coloration, minus all the phosphates. So what is in ME Amino Polyp Xtender? It is made primarily a…


Welcome to the next level of coral care. By now I am assuming you have at least understood all the key general practices to maintain some of the hardier corals, from soft corals to large-polyp stony (LPS) corals to some…

Brightwell NeoNitro gives your ULNS a dose of nitrogen

Brightwell NeoNitro落下帷幕anced nitrogen source for those of yo running an ultra low nutrient system (ULNS). Although we often fight like mad to keep nitrogen and phosphates out of the aquarium, but with the ULNS you may actually…

Brightwell NeoPhos, a phosphorus supplement for ULNS

Brightwell Neophos是用于超低营养礁水族馆系统(ULNS)的磷补充剂。尽管该产品不是“新”,但值得一提的是礁石制造商的注意。对于您运行ULNS系统的人来说,Neophos是这些…的平衡氮来源…

Krzysztof Tryc shows the potential of using All in One Biopellets

Krzysztof Tryc is an experienced reef aquarist who has been in the “Low Nutrient Zone” for over five years using various methods including Zeovit and Biopellets. Krzysztof’s brilliant and colorful reef tanks have won him the coveted Dream Tank of The…

Prodibio finally offers more precise instructions for using it’s products to achieve low nutrient levels

We’ve been active users of the Prodibio line of probiotic aquarium products for a long time now, but we’ve always been more than a little frustrated when explaining how to use the stuff based on the vague and general guidelines…

Phosballs from SeaSlug claims to have a better recipe for Biopellets

Phosballs are a new Biopellet from the new Polish aquarium chemistry company SeaSlug. Their first product offering is a high purity biopellet called Phosballs which are part of the “next generation” of solid carbon dosing. Unlike most biopellets, Phosballs start…

Silica Dosing: reef blasphemy or another form of nutrient export?

It has been long held that silica in reef tanks is bad, very, very bad. We avoid beach and play sand like it’s poison because it is believed that silica will cause an undesirable diatom bloom: brown glass, brown gook on rock and substrates, and unhappy reefkeepers. But what if we could control this system and use it to our advantage…say, to increase nutrient export? Let’s take a look at some old data, some new data, and a controversial hypothesis: that dosing silica may increase nutrient export efficiency.

ULNS is a load of detritus: an Ultra Low Nutrient ‘System’ is a desert

Ultra Low Nutrient System or ULNS is a load of crap made up by people who don’t understand the words “Ultra” and “System”. The ULNS moniker was pulled from the ether with no understanding of how a reef ecosystem works.…