Montipora Eating Nudibranch Finally Have a Name: Phestilla subodiosus

Of all the corals pests that reef aquarists have to deal with, prevent, and remove, Montipora eating nudibranch is one of the most egregious and damaging. The reefing community has been trying to find a ‘final solution’ to eradicate these…

Deepblu Wants Your Nudi’s! Nudibranch Photos That Is
Deepblu什么Nudi的海蛞蝓是一些the most photographed macro critters in the ocean. These colorful gastropods can be found in all the world's oceans from the chilly waters of British Columbia Canada to the tropical latitudes of…
Red Zoanthid Nudibranch Are Beautiful, But Not In My Reef

Corals can harbor such a wide variety of different pests and parasites, that learning about and controlling all of them is a hobby unto itself. This is especially true of live coral dealers who are at the front lines of…

Nudibranch range extension linked to ‘blob’ of warm ocean water

Warm waters in the Pacific Ocean a causing dozens of species of nudibranch to more northwards past their traditional range. This could signal the beginning of a major climate shift in the region, says Jeffrey Goddard, a marine biologist at the…

Indo-Pacific Nudibranchs and Sea Slugs get some love

Nudibranchs and sea slugs may not sound as interesting as all the designer corals and fish we see in the hobby, however in our opinion, these creatures are some of the most beautiful and interesting creatures in the ocean. A…

Fluorescing with nudibranchs and scorpionfish [VIDEO]

We’ve posted stunning videos of coral fluorescence and were awestruck when we saw this video of fluorescing nudibranchs and scorpionfish. Corals are thought they glow to attract symbiotic algae or to protect the coral from UV light. But why do…

Nudibranch discovered with detachable and regenerative penis

For all of you cringing at the title, it gets better. We don’t think any man could fathom losing his penis after mating, yet one amazing nudibranch not only loses the organ after mating, but can grow it back 24-hours…

Melibe colemani, a transparent nudibranch and stellar example of reef diversity

At first glance, you would think you are staring at some hydroids or sponges. But what you are seeing is a transparent anatomy of a newly discovered nudibranch. It’s easy to see how such a unique slug avoided discovery until…

Nano goby turns a Bullock’s Hypselodoris nudibranch into its own habitat

[vimeo width=”680″ height=”450″][/vimeo] We tend to think of small reef fish living in a wide range of habitats but some species of Eviota and Trimma are so small that they can be at home on other reef creatures that are small…

Stunning pictures by David Doubilet highlight intricate beauty of Nudibranchs

Due to their usually extremely specific diets and their delicateness nudibranchs unfortunately do not play a big role in reef aquaria. Which is quite unfortunate considering their vivid colors and intricate beauty. These stunning pictures by David Doubilet highlight some…