New ‘Variety’ of Takeuchi Angelfish Hybrid

Genicanthus takeuchii is an angelfish so rare that it practically unknown in the aquarium hobby so it doesn’t even show up in lists of holy grail saltwater fish. Despite being one of the largest species of swallowtail angelfish and being…

Genicanthus takeuchii Angelfish Redux

Genicanthus takeuchii is hands down one of the most beautiful and exotic of all angelfish species, known only from very few hard to reach locations in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. This species of swallowtail Genicanthus angelfish is at the very top…

The takeuchii x semifasciatus angelfish hybrid is half grown up, caught on video even

We are stoked to see new pics of Genicanthus takeuchi hybrid at a larger size and as an added bonus we’ve even found a video of a halfgrown male spotted angelfish hybrid that was uploaded not more than a week…

Stunning videos of a juvenile and an adult male spotted angelfish, Genicanthus takeuchii

While most angelfish reserve their reverence for the Hawaiian masked angelfish, Genicanthus personatus, when it comes to swallowtail angelfish we hold the spotted angelfish, Genicanthus takeuchii, closest to our reefing hearts. You can imagine our excitement when we discovered not…

Genicanthus takeuchi hybrid from Ogasawara could have a little semifasciatus angelfish in it

Genicanthus angelfish hybrids are enough, to discover one which is a mix of G. takeuchi is truly a once in a lifetime find. We’d be happy to just see a full blooded alive in our life time, in the U.S.…

Poached Takeuchi angelfish on video still suffering from decompression issues

The Takeuchi angelfish is a species of Genicanthus that can only be found in waters of the Ogasawara Islands. The Ogasawaras are protected in that you can fish and you can collect fish but neither of which are allowed with…

Genicanthus takeuchii featured in this first ever video of the swallowtail angelfish gem from Ogasawara

Genicanthus takeuchii or Takeuchii’s swallowtail angelfish is one of the most highly sought after angelfish in the world. Hailing only from Japan’s Ogasawara Islands, Genicanthus takeuchii has an even more limited track record than the peppermint angelfish, Paracentropyge boylei, second…

Japan is Sourcing Some Big Juicy Yellow Tangs from Ogasawara

If you’ve been wondering where all the big, vivid yellow tangs have gone the answer is that they’re still in the wild, most of us simply can’t get them since Hawaii shut down collection and exports from their waters. But…

Japanese Minister Prepared Emergancy Declaration Over Coral Extinction
Naha Japan The Environment Ministry of Japan has prepared an emergency declaration over coral deaths caused by rising sea temperatures from global warming. In an emergency meeting of experts held in Okinawa Prefecture on Sunday, the ministry inked out the declaration,…
Is Japan really home to any endemic Fairy Wrasses? Cirrhilabrus katoi disagrees

The reefs of Japan are known to harbour unique fauna found nowhere else on this earth. Rife with endemics, species such as Centropyge interrupta, Chaetodon daedalma, Genicanthus takeuchii, Chromis mirationis and a whole hodgepodge of other reef fish call this…