

Despite their diminutive size, many of the dottybacks have a well-deserved reputation for aggression. In fact, some species, such as the royal dottyback (Pictichromis paccagnellae), are so belligerent that it can be difficult to match them with suitable tankmates, as…

Gomphosus varius:这个弗里斯是为鸟类的!

It always seems that the more exotic looking a saltwater fish is, the more challenging it is for hobbyists to keep. Fortunately, such is not the case with Gomphosus varius, the aptly named bird wrasse. This hardy, intelligent, attractive species…

5 Factors Leading to Long-Term Dietary Deficiencies in Marine Aquarium Fish

The occasional loss of fish is an unavoidable reality of marine aquarium keeping. Fish have a finite lifespan, and some are destined to pass away in captivity, even when they’re provided the best possible environment and care. But more often…


When it comes to marine fish that earn their keep from the standpoint of visual interest, general ruggedness, and utility in the aquarium, few species can compete with the foxface rabbitfish (Siganus vulpinus). If provided adequate housing and an appropriate…

7 Guidelines for Mindful Medication of Marine Aquarium Fish

让我们面对它,当我一条鱼n our care exhibits symptoms that might suggest disease, we want to fix the problem and we want to fix it fast. What that usually means is running to the local fish store and…

4 Techniques for Target Feeding Marine Fish

Feeding saltwater fish isn’t always a simple matter of plopping food in the water and looking on as the frenzy ensues. In any community of fishes, some species (or individual specimens) are going to be more aggressive in their eating…

Marine Fish Bait and Switch—5 Adorable Juveniles that Blossom into Brutes

Their alluring cuteness beckons from across the LFS. At just a few inches in length and sporting dazzling colors, comical polka dots, interesting morphology, or fascinating finnage, they’re practically irresistible to the average marine-aquarium hobbyist looking to acquire a show-stopping…

Harlequin Tuskfish: A Charming, Colorful Wrasse for the Semi-Boisterous Community

Among the members of the vast Labridae family—the wrasses—are myriad gorgeous species. Some, owing to factors such as enormous adult size or extremely finicky feeding behavior, make poor choices for aquarium keeping. Others make very desirable aquarium candidates, staying relatively…


The butterflyfishes tend to be a touchy lot when it comes to aquarium keeping. Many have highly specialized diets that are difficult—if not impossible—to satisfy in aquariums. Several are obligate corallivores, which means they eat nothing but coral polyps, making…

Falco’s Hawkfish: I’ve Got My Eye on You!

Looking back at the various marine aquariums I’ve kept over the years, it occurs to me that one particular species has probably been included in my livestock lineups more often than any other—Falco’s hawkfish (Cirrhitichthys falco), a.k.a. the dwarf hawkfish.…