
Cuteness Overload while Touring Bali Aquarich

由于我住在巴厘岛,距离世界上最好的观赏海洋饲养员只有三个小时的车程,因此我可以定期拜访他。Wen-Ping Su先生一直在打破所有与水族馆有关的消息……

Chaetodontoplus dimidiatus,在野外发现了罕见的幻影裙角

罕见的幻影绑住成年chaetodontoplus dimidiatus是一个有吸引力的神仙鱼,有天鹅绒般的黑色腹部,银灰色的身体,明亮的固体黄色尾巴和独特的涂鸦脸。我并不经常写关于鱼的文章,但是当这样的昏迷时...

Wild Hybrid Conspicuous Angelfish makes American Debut

The conspicuous angelfish, Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus, is and has been the holy grail of saltwater angelfish for home aquariums for a generation of collectors. Sure there’s more exotic species like the Debelius and Tiger angelfish but that doesn’t detract from the high…


The Ballina Angelfish is a swimming oxymoron – it is one of the best-known yet rarely-seen rare species of angelfish yet sightings of this species are very rare. The reason for this rarity is that it is only known to occur…

The Black Phantom Is One Of The Rarest Angelfish In The Hobby

The black phantom angelfish is an unusual ‘species’ of angelfish from the northern Philippines which is by far much rarer than may of the holy grails we seek out in the saltwater aquarium hobby. Its body is the deepest shade…

The Best Pictures Yet Of The Rare Greytail Angelfish

The greytail angelfish, Chaetodontoplus poliourus, is one of the newest species of marine angelfish. It’s also pretty special to us because it was the first ‘new species of angelfish’ we ever got to write about here in Reef Builders. First described…

This Angelfish Isn’t Real (But It Does Exist!)

The blueline and conspicuous angelfish are two of our favorite Chaetodontoplus species and now we might get to see what these two fish will look like in one fish. At MACNA 2017 Poma Labs made a huge splash with their expansive catalog…

Poma Labs首次亮相

Poma Labs is a brand new venture co-founded by two very influential persons in the aquarium world, Nuri Fisher of Piscine Energetics, and Dr. Matthew Wittenrich, a pioneer in breeding ornamental marine fish. As the name implies, for now Poma…

The Conspicuous Angelfish Juvenile Is The Ultimate Ugly Duckling
Along with the line spot triggerfish and tiger angelfish, our visit to Reefwise in Chicago also afforded us our first encounter with a true, juvenile Conspicuous Angelfish. From the moment we became serious about the marine aquarium hobby and all…
Gorgeous xanthic scribbled angelfish discovered in East Australia

A xanthic specimen of the scribbled angelfish, Chaetodontoplus duboulayi, was discovered in Mackay, eastern Australia. The news of this very unusual female scribbled angelfish comes to us from Aqua Lovers in Japan who received this fish and shared an incredible photo…