Cuteness Overload while Touring Bali Aquarich

由于我住在巴厘岛,距离世界上最好的观赏海洋饲养员只有三个小时的车程,因此我可以定期拜访他。Wen-Ping Su先生一直在打破所有与水族馆有关的消息……

饲养员在东京水族馆(Tokyo Aquarium)解决了具有挑战性的鼻嘴鱼

Persistence and thoughtfulness has helped marine biologist Kentaro Amemiya of Tokyo Sea Life Park succeed in rearing the unusual finespotted jawfish (Opistognathus punctatus) in captivity. Regardless of breeding success coming from the scientific world or the hobbyist side, each advancement…

Subadult French Grunts raised at the Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory. Photo by Matt Wittenrich
Grunt Breeding 101 – Courtesy of Rising Tide

“French Grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum) is well suited to commonplace aquaculture techniques. The larvae are large at first feeding and readily accept rotifers as an initial diet. Post metamorphosis growth is rapid with juveniles reaching 2 inches in just under 3…

Breeding and Propagation Workshop is a unique one-two punch presented by Bay Area Reefers

The Bay Area Reefers are hosting a workshop on fish breeding and coral propagation this weekend putting together a nice one-two punch for sustainability for the hobby and have brought in two great speakers to lead each side of the…

Rayfish Footwear controversial maker of genetically-modified stingray shoes or elaborate hoax?

Rayfish Footwear is a unique company claiming to hail from Thailand that allows you to choose your own unique pattern for shoes by using a genetically modified stingray as the source for your custom, one-of-a-kind design. You pick the pattern…

Part 2 of a 2011 Marine Breeder’s Year In Review

The first installment of our 2011 Marine Breeder’s Year in Review was probably more breeding news than you thought could have happened in a single year. Suprisingly invertebrates, new breeding products, and clownfish releases like the one pictured above only…

2011 Marine Breeder’s Year In Review, Part 1

Just over a year ago, as I wrapped up the 2010 Marine Breeding review, I found myself wondering if 2011 would build exponentially on the successes of 2010. 2011 was another year in which we all learned from what we…

My Reef Creations Mini Kreisels for pelagic culture of marine life

They’re what every marine breeder really wanted, but didn’t get, for the holidays. My Reef Creations’ made-to-order mini kreisels feature all the sex appeal of [insert name of your favorite exotic sports car here]. This is not, we repeat, is…

University of Florida & Rising Tide Updates: Dr. Matthew L. Wittenrich hired and Porkfish reared

证明在于结果。上周公开打破了新闻,佛罗里达大学热带水产养殖实验室已聘请了知名的海洋水族馆作家和Masna 2010年度水族馆Matthew L. Wittenrich博士。这个组织一直是…

里德·马林(Reed Mardulture)介绍了一条新产品线,并希望您命名!

Reed Mariculture is well-known around here, both for their aquarium hobby line of products (Reef Nutrition), but also for their commercial aquaculture products generally sold under the Reed Mariculture umbrella. Seeing their large-scale aquaculture products being used in smaller-scale applications…