
The new AquaMaxx Nano Star Calcium Reactor is not the first nano-sized reactor from the Southern California company but the latest iteration does feature an even smaller size without trading off on performance. Oh yeah, did we mention it is…

新的和改进的Hydor Performer钙反应器即将推出

Hydor Performer钙反应堆已经存在了一段时间,在那段时间吸引了很少的关注,但是一个不错的新设计大修应该改变所有这些。新的表演者钙反应器使用较高的强度和清晰度丙烯酸,…



Planctonite Reacter V2是一种内部/外部钙反应器,焦点很简单

The Planctonite Reacter V2 is the secong generation calcium reactor from the popular European manufacturer of acrylic products. The Reacter V2 is designed with simplicity in mind with most fittings and plumbing being streamlined to inside the reaction chamber. The…

来自意大利lgmaquari的LGR701 SP钙反应器是为简单起见的

Lgmaquari是意大利的新水族馆制造商,最近开始展示其全新的挂钙反应堆。LGR701 SP是一个坚固的钙反应器,具有理想的上流设计,所有附表80零件和SICCE…

nextreef br1展示了针对大型应用程序的自定义工作

Nextreef BR1是一个巨大的定制钙反应器,它展示了Nextreef团队可以做的缩放能力和定制工作。我们是Nextreef产品主流产品的忠实拥护者,具有耐用和高质量的工作……

Horizontal Calcium Reactor masterpiece from My Reef Creation is a design that was way overdue

上面的水平钙反应器可以被抬起,但这是一个专门建造的小数字。如果必要是发明的母亲,那么威廉·谢尔巴斯(William Scherbath)的立场上的狭窄空间限制……


Bashsea礁燃料反应堆a dual-chambered media reactor to efficiently keep your calcium, alkalinity and trace elements in harmony. Using cast acrylic to provide a more rugged unit than using extruded acrylic, the Reef Fuel reactor is hand-crafted…

KNOP Calcium Reactor Compact 80 is perfect for nano aquariums


Skimz Skimmers和反应堆通过Aqua-Digital来到北美
