Flamboyant Cuttlefish Spend Most Of Their Time Blending In With The Sand

Lookup any pictures of the iconic Flamboyant cuttlefish (Metasepia pfefferi) and you’re sure to see it’s flashing bright purple and yellow hues. However, a recent study proves their colorful patterns are only a display, and they spend most of their…

Lembeh Frogfish gets a proper Re-Description

The Lembeh Frogfish is an interesting cryptic fish which represented a species that was has been known and beloved to underwater photographers for decades. While this species was first described as Antennarius subteres way back in 1909, and placed in…

Fluorescent Night Diving In Lembeh Strait
Fluorescent Night Dive There is nothing quite as exciting as a fluorescent night dive. And sure those two little words night dive might give some people the hibigeebies, but grab yourself a UV torch and strap on a yellow filter, and you'll…
WATCH: Mandarin Dragonets Spawning In The Wild

The Mandarin dragonet (Synchiropus splendidus) is one of my favorite fish, and I know I’m not alone. Mandarins are a fan favorite when it comes to saltwater aquariums for their vibrant psychedelic patterns and friendly personalities. So when the team…

UPDATED: Reef Builders Destination: North Sulawesi Indonesia Aug 10th – 20th
Join us in Sulawesi Indonesia as we explore the Island's Northern Coast. Get ready for an unforgettable experience with the Passport to Paradise Reef Builders Destination. This eleven-day itinerary allows us to visit all of North Sulawesi’s amazing underwater diversity. We…
The tiny Hairy Octopus is an irresistible puffball of cuteness

The tiny Hairy Octopus is one of the cutest creatures we have come across, and at around 5cm (2inch) long, you won’t want to blink or you might miss it. This well disguised cephalopod gets it names from the long ‘hairy’…


珊瑚reef fish superstars Gerald Allen and Mark V. Erdmann are at it again, this time participating in a “reef crawl” in Lembeh that was focused on sighting as many reef fish as possible. The reef life survey turned up…

Unknown Trachycaris shrimp from Lembeh is exquisitely camouflaged

您在这段视频中看到的虾非常完美地掩盖了,即使我们很难说出哪个末端是看起来像来自东大西洋,加那利群岛和伊比利亚半岛的Trachycaris drillicta相似的强大。


[Vimeo width =“ 680”高=“ 420”] http://vimeo.com/23317612 [/vimeo] Godehard Korp的视频无疑是我们见过的海洋动物之间最奇怪,最独特的互动之一。模仿章鱼表现出在莱姆贝(Lembeh)特征的泥土礁上爬行的爬行,具有真正独特的……

Tiny Bongo shrimp look huge in this macro video

[vimeo width=”600″ height=”400″]http://vimeo.com/12709588[/vimeo] The Bongo Shrimp, Phyllognathia ceratophthalma, is a unique small specialist crustacean that is only occasionally discussed in the aquarium hobby. Related to the larger and more popular harlequin shrimp, the bongo shrimp also like to eat starfish…