iQuatics metal halide bulbs are ridiculously cheap

A company out of the United Kingdom, called iQuatics is selling metal halide bulbs for cheap. They offer 70 watt versions in either 10, 14, 20, or 30k for only £9.99. 70 Watt not your thing? Don’t worry. They have…

Oceanic’s new BioCube HQI Metal Halide nano aquarium

Oceanic已更新了其BioCube Nano Aquarium系列,以结合双端或“ HQI”金属卤化物。这个BioCube系列在纳米水族馆人群中很受欢迎,而Oceanic则自己提供了其他一些……

Aquamaxx 14,000K MHS与镭20,000k非常紧密地比较

在并排比较中,最新的Aquamaxx 400W 14,000K金属卤化灯泡显示出与光谱输出的辐射400W 20,000K灯泡非常相似,为您的礁石提供了更经济的选择。照明大师桑杰·乔希(Sanjay Joshi)

Sfiligoi’s new DSE metal halide + T5 lighting fixture

Sfiligoi’s new DSE metal halide plus T5 lighting fixture uses a twin lamp and reflector design that should help it push it past normal PAR numbers with minimal power consumption. Sfiligoi reports the test of PAR on the new DSE…

Spectra Chrome Metal Halide Bulbs from Elos

Elos Spectra Chrome metal halides bulbs will be making an appearance in most Elos shops across the United States very soon. We already showed you the new LED lighting that Elos should bring out in 2010. The new Spectra Chrome…

Reader’s Choice Awards: Vote on the best lighting products of 2009

The technological advances in the hobby each year are fascinating to look back at and reef aquarium lighting is no exception. 2009 brought many new improved lighting on the market. Despite the fall of PFO and the LED patent war…

Dimmable Metal Halide Galaxy Ballasts headed your way

These Galaxy Metal Halide ballasts are said to be dimmable. But, not dimmable in the way we would expect, such as the Elos SunColor. We somehow missed reporting these at MACNA, but these new ballasts will allow you to have…

Elos’ new 14k, 20k SpectraChrome bulb can light your reef tank

There is a new SpectraChrome bulb coming in 14k, and 20k varieties. This is an Elos branded bulb that will come in several different types (150w DE, 250SE&DE and 400w SE) and will be available with major retailers in the…

The popular Phoenix 14K is now available in a mogul base

If you’ve been left in the double ended dust but clammoring for the greater wealth of bulb flavors that DE halide bulbs offer, Phoenix lighting has just made your day. The highly popular Phoenix 14K which is a favorite of…

AquaPhoton photon plus metal halide + T5 lighting units

We’ve been following these lamps now for a while and finally we are starting to see them ship outside of their home country: Germany. Not as well known as Giesemann lamps,the AquaPhoton plus metal halide lamps come in three flavors…