We Asked Rich Horner About Plastic In The Marine Environment

Plastic In The Marine Environment Two months ago, Rich Horner filmed himself swimming through a sea of plastic debris. Within a few weeks his video went viral and soon the whole world was talking about plastic waste invading the tropical…

Don’t F*uck The Ocean, Do It With Yourself

We recently came across this creative new campaign by MTV aimed at reducing ocean waste, with a truly climactic result. Every year tons of plastic waste enters the ocean which can take centuries to decompose. As a species, we are f*ucking the…

Cora Ball Snags Microfibers And Keeps The Ocean Clean

Cora Ball The Cora Ball is an inventive approach to a growing plastic problem. Every time we wash our clothes, microscopic fibers get jostled free and end up down the drain. Synthetic materials like fleece, nylon, polyester, and chemical-covered non-plastics, accumulate in…

ECOALF Apparel Made From Recycled Ocean Plastic

UPCYCLE THE OCEAN ECOALF is a Spanish company taking on an ambition project to upcycle ocean debris into fashionable clothing. The goal is to transform plastic found in the Mediterranean Sea into pellets, thread, and fabric. ECOALF was created by…

Seaweed based packaging could replace plastic

We are thrilled with all the new innovative ways designers around the world are thinking outside the plastic box. This week we bring you a more earth-friendly way to package good in the form of seaweed-based agar containers. Have you…

Disposable ‘leaf’ bowls help reduce plastic use in Thailand

Last week we wrote about edible cutlery, this week we bring you disposable leaf bowls. It’s no secret that plastic and styrofoam entering the oceans is quickly become a global environmental concern and researched in Thailand have come up with…

Reducing Ocean Plastic with Edible Cutlery

It’s no secret that floating garbage patches filled with plastic can be found in many if not all of the worlds oceans. Increasingly we are seeing new solution to the gargantuous task of cleaning up plastic litter in the marine environment. Scientist have…

Plastic eating bacteria discovered in Japan

A new study from Japan has found microscopic bacteria which can break down a popular plastic call PET. The findings, published in the academic journal ‘Science‘ on Friday, say that the new bacteria Ideonella sakaiensis breaks down the plastic by using…