Caribbean Bounce Shroom Is Possibly A NEW Species!

A wild new shroom morph has been collected with a very interesting pattern and from a very unexpected location. If this frilly Rhodactis was part of an import from the Indo-Pacific it would be a very nice polyp, and those neon green…

The Conspicuous Angelfish Juvenile Is The Ultimate Ugly Duckling
Along with the line spot triggerfish and tiger angelfish, our visit to Reefwise in Chicago also afforded us our first encounter with a true, juvenile Conspicuous Angelfish. From the moment we became serious about the marine aquarium hobby and all…
Stunning Adult Tiger Angelfish Sighted On The Outskirts of Chicago

The Tiger Angelfish is one of the most striking and exotic species of marine angelfish. Last week while speaking at Reefwise on the outskirts of Chicago we had a new opportunity to visit a long term captive Apolemichthys kingi and this…

Xanthichthys lineopunctatus, First Encounter With The Mythical Linespot Triggerfish

The linespot triggerfish, Xanthichthys lineopunctatus is a species of marine fish so rare, that we’d never seen one, until last week. While visiting Reefwise on the outskirts of Chicago, we finally got to see this nigh-mythical triggerfish in person for…