The Goldenback Triggerfish, Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus makes an appearance at SEA Atlanta

金黄色扳手鱼,Xanthichthys caeruleineatus在Balistidae家族时差不多。亚特兰大的杰里米·曼尼帕达(Jeremy Maneyapanda)对Uber Rare Fish并不陌生,因此当我们发现他拥有最稀有的人时……

太平洋岛屿游泳释放了的图片autiful real life Crosshatch X Bluethroat triggerfish hybrid


珊瑚礁文化技术 - 首先繁殖交叉式触发鱼类,Xanthichththis Mento

这仅来自礁石文化技术 - “目前,我们很自豪地宣布,Cenerub Anselfish,Centropyge Argi和Crosshatch Triggerfish,Xanthichthys Mento。这些物种是作为我们研究的一部分而提出的,并将……

Rhinecanthus cinereus:仔细观察最稀有的水族馆扳机鱼之一

前往水族馆活动(例如Fins of Fins年度飞溅活动)的最佳部分之一就是看到罕见,不寻常或显示大小的海洋动物,但就毛里求斯扳手而言,这是三个。



A small specimen of Xanthichthys kiritimati triggerfish shown off by LiveAquaria

Tentatively named ‘Xanthichthys kiritimati’, the Christmas Island triggerfish is characterized by a thin string of spots on the dorsal part of the body, and the same blue-face stripes and colorful tail margins. The new Triggerfish from Christmas Island has been…


小丑Trigger鱼,Balistoides Scipiclum,在所有Triggerfish风扇中都是很长时间的最爱,但通常在带有惊人图案的黑色身体上有大胆的白色斑点。但是上图所示的小丑Trigger鱼与…不同。



Mauritius Triggerfish, Rhinecanthus cinereus, is a picasso trigger you’ve probably never heard of

毛里求斯扳机鱼Rhinecanthus cinereus是毕加索触发鱼类属的七个物种之一。实际上,我们只有从印度洋西洋中知道的,我们从未见过毛里求斯扳机鱼,上面的图像是唯一的……

Xanthichthys sp。“背函数”:圣诞岛触发鱼是一种新物种,而不是混合动力

Xanthichthys sp。“dorsopunctatus” is an unusual triggerfish species which we have been researching for the better part of a year and half since we first encountered a specimen at a House of Fins in Greenwich CT. Last week Quality Marine…