Set Up a Saltwater Aquarium


  1. 我一直在尝试确定应该得到哪种水族馆。我没有意识到盐水水族馆可能这么漂亮!我一定会看看有哪种鱼。感谢你的分享!

  2. 蒂乌斯 说:


  3. 杰夫·库尔兹(Jeff Kurtz) 说:

    Hi Tius! As long as you’re able to source synthetic sea salt mix, you should be able to mix your own salt water. If you don’t have a brick-and-mortar aquarium store nearby, you can always order salt online and have it delivered.

  4. Sean Taylor 说:

    so here i just brought home a custom 275 gallon tank with a 70 gal filter tank. two water pumps. one in the tank stand the other was outside, and the plumbing all came in under the floor.. its got the digital controls you can run with an app on my phone.. skimmers. chillers climate lighting. motors in the cover. and a 55 gal barrel of live coral. he said everything i need is included. i just need new sand. saltwater, and fish i also need knowledge. i’m very exited but don’t know where to start. well cleaning tank would be good. what is the best way to clean tanks. and then what?


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