
8月份的满月是加勒比珊瑚科学家的疯狂时间。加勒比地区最具标志性珊瑚种类,Staghorn(Acropora Cervicornis),Elkhorn(Acropora Palmata)和Pillar Coral(Dendrogyra Cylindrus),正在制作一个大夜间的同步......


BREAKTHROUGH: RESTORED CORALS READY TO BECOME PARENTS August 4, 2020—Sarasota, FL—For the first time, massive corals restored to Florida’s Coral Reef are ready to become parents in the wild—a breakthrough in Mote Marine Laboratory’s scientific efforts to restore critically imperiled…

帮助在Mote Lab的志愿者机会恢复珊瑚礁

您想了解有关珊瑚礁恢复的更多信息吗?Key West West Florida的Mote Lab正在寻找6月和7月的志愿者,协助Mote Marine实验室的科学家。Mote,佛罗里达州立公园之间的协作项目,......