
Established in 2004 Reef Builders covers the aquatics industry for keeping saltwater tanks and has been featured by CNN, MSNBC and Wikipedia as a definite source.

Ryan Gripp,创始人兼董事总经理
Ryan founded Reef Builders. He writes about technology, industry, and other associated news relating to the aquatics industry.

杰克·亚当斯, Managing Editor
杰克·亚当斯(Jake Adams)自90年代中期以来一直是一位狂热的海洋水族馆,并且在海洋水族馆贸易的零售方面工作了十多年。He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

Brian Blank,高级编辑
布莱恩·布兰克(Brian Blank)自2007年以来就一直在博客上有关水族馆行业的博客,并自2009年以来与礁石建造者(Reef Builders)写作。布莱恩(Brian)自年轻时就参与了水族馆的保留。最近,他在整个1990年代都保留了淡水水族馆,并在大学期间打破了坦克之前就短暂冒险进入盐水。他在2006年冒险进入礁石世界,终于实现了更大的盐水坦克的梦想。作为DIY坚果和小工具的狂热者,他带来了一种激情,涵盖了新产品和创新,同时将牲畜留给了礁石建筑商的其他令人难以置信的作家。他经常钢笔星期五Smorgasbord column that explores the wild, wacky and wonderful side of the aquatic kingdom. Brian studied PR and marketing at San Jose State University and works for a high-tech PR agency in San Francisco. Brian and his awesome wife Veronica and baby daughter live in Pacifica, California, where his aquarium is currently on hold as he works on updated his home.

Marissa Francis, Event Coordinator

杰里米·盖伊(Jeremy Gay),撰稿人

Vincent Chalias,撰稿人

  1. mary dwyer 说:

    To Nicole Helgason:
    I would like to use ‘glass sponge – 17, 18 & 19’.
    I will credit them with your name & webpage above.

  2. 江户维加 说:

    嗨,杰克(Jake)和妮可(Nicole),我叫来自巴西的江户(Edo),我正在为我们的业余爱好的主要人物进行现场访谈:巴西和国际。我已经有朱利安(Julian),马克·卡拉汉(Mark Callahan)(5月9日)和梅勒夫(Melev)(5月13日)。Lou Ekus将在6月的第一周参加27日,Dana Riddle和Robert(BRS)。

    Jake I would like to invite your this interview. 1-2 hours so you can share with us your trajectory. Bellow are the links with the former ones.




  3. 妮可·赫尔加森(Nicole Helgason) 说:

    Hi Mark, you can use the images please do not put my name as credit as they all come from this video from

  4. Jared 说:

    只是想知道澳大利亚的Reefstock Australia是否会被推迟还是只是取消到明年8月?

  5. 迈克尔 说:

    Hi Mr Adams,

    我一直在考虑从淡水迁移到海洋,但由于对海洋的巨大过滤要求,我一直很犹豫 - 我的空间非常有限。我在Seachem Tidal 55上遇到了您的文章,想知道这是否是您提到的储罐上使用的唯一过滤器。我要确认的是,如果只能使用Seachem Tidal Filter,它是否可以运行一个少于10条鱼(大多数是轻松的护理鱼类(例如小丑/ Chromis或少女))的小型海洋水族馆


    迈克尔·维瑟(Michael Visser)

  6. 威廉·史密斯·范尼兹(William F. Smith-Vaniz) 说:

    To Jake Adams:

    我寻求允许重现用于教育目的的Jawfish opistognathus Hopkinsi的照片。这张照片在您的网站上,并于2010年在日本的伊祖海洋公园(Izu Marine Park)拍摄,但我不知道该与谁联系以允许谁使用它。我想在我的印度太平洋opistognathus专着中包括照片,该照片将于明年作为Zootaxa的开放式科学出版物出版。在图标题中,我当然会归功于摄影师或起源。

    Any advice or help you can provide will be appreciated.

    Thank you

    W. F. Smith-Vaniz博士

  7. 威廉·史密斯·范尼兹(William F. Smith-Vaniz) 说:

    Hi Jake,

    这是我今天以前电子邮件的后续措施。我还希望允许发布Zootaxa网页上显示的华丽的现场纹身颚鱼的照片(侧视图)。顺便说一句,我在1985年的《日本鱼类学杂志》中将这种颚鱼(Opistognathus Decorus)描述为一种新物种。在当地,也将被众所周知。

    Thanks again for any help you can provide.


  8. Xmegatron10 说:

    我的名字叫Xmegatron10我是一个亲自由/亲人?我现在得到了一对秘密丽鱼科鱼,以使混合呼叫(Red Phoenix King Cichlid?)现在警告:不认为这是因为您有一条近亲的红色魔鬼Cichlid,Midas或Blackbelt Cichlid或任何可能会搞砸的Vieja Cichlid。这种混合动力车以任何方式1,它们将极为极其极为极其极为极为极为极为极其侵略性/领土/争吵和掠夺性。2雄性获得26英寸的雌性大概18或19英寸。

  9. Xmegatron10 说:

    我试图在Demacrat和Phoenix King Cichlid单词之后做出表情符号,这是问号的出现,至少我知道您不能在这里做表情符号。但是就像我说的那样,这种混合丽鱼科学毫无疑问

  10. wendy embling 说:

    今天在黑麦码头看到白色绳子射线,有笨拙的尾巴回家抬头看你的照片 - 几乎是相同的鱼,看着它在码头周围滑行

  11. gickel 说:

    I know you love going around the world to see the salt water reef when you get time please watch this guy from South India he had bulit everthing in second had nad also from house left over i bet this will be intresting please watch it . He is expaling in Tamil but you can cc


  12. Emil Jersling 说:

    Hi, reef builders team!



  13. 丹尼尔 说:

    对于杰克·亚当(Jake Adam)或感兴趣的聚会,您是否碰巧购买更多的海马化石,我的收藏很大?无论大小,我都拥有所有!期待您对此主题的回音,也要感谢您提供非常有用的文章。

  14. 肖恩·F。 说:


    Respected part
    Of The hobby and industry. I’d love to ask you a few questions regarding the hobby in general. I’ve been approached by a few old
    Friends that want to possibly compete for the dollar of each and every purchaser.

    I was wondering if you could email me so we can get a chat going. All of my old
    珊瑚s… very sad story about that one….

    My question is…. I used to quarantine my fish… I adjusted for time zones, night cycles, feeding times in the wild, switching from fresh saltwater to synthetic (which is harder than most realize). I also kept all new fish away from
    Any tank that could be poked. Flicked smacked…ect…

    I was thinking about a fish only business selling only heavily acclimated fish, no
    珊瑚s… too many do

    Think, live aquarium style. Mainly wrasses…. Is there an industry? I’m not looking for an immediate return and I know
    It could be a few years before a profit could be turned.



  15. 托马斯·E·弗莱明博士 说:

    我观看了大量的内容,包括the 2 plus hours shop tour. Thanks and keep it up! Could you please tell me what you and others are doing to control the room humidity? Room conditioning tends to always be overlooked, my local heating and air guys are at a loss. At one point I had 800 gallons going and humidity was basically uncontrollable. You and I would guess Jason fox must have figured something out. Please share and information you may have.

  16. 瑞安·伯吉斯(Ryan Burgess) 说:

    我需要一些专家建议。我一直在礁石持续二十年,并且已经处理了那里的每个珊瑚寄生虫。我有一个大量的400gal坦克,所有SPS都有10年以上的殖民地。今年夏天,我在鸟巢上发生了一些RTN情况,随后在我珍贵的SPS珊瑚上逐渐逐渐stn。相同的物种,水族馆的不同部分。到了晚上,我可以看到非常小的黑色非常快速移动的sl在吃我认为是死灵区域周围的死组织。他们一直在死去的珊瑚组织下面放下鸡蛋簇。看来我有尖锐的扁虫情况,但它们看起来似乎不像我见过的任何扁平蠕虫。我也没有在多年来引入任何新的珊瑚或任何东西。他们似乎喜欢吃光滑的皮肤杂技和浓密的浓密,但仍然只留下其他非常相似的物种。 I have had to break apart some of my prized corals to separate the STN from the healthy and have continued dipping the colonies that are now suspended off the rock work. These ‘detritus’ eating flat worms are still found from time to time even on other healthy colonies that have no tissue damage. I have placed test colonies back on the rock work of the same species and some are fine, thriving and growing with no issue while again others start reseeding with the fast black worms nipping at the base. It is as if a detritus worm has developed a taste for coral. ICP test came back normal except for low to no Iodine at the time of the noticed start of the RTN event. I have no idea were to go from here. Hoping you may have thoughts on what I am dealing with.

  17. 以撒 说:

    Nitrites: 0
    Nitrates: 2-3
    I used Seachem Stability like instructions defines. But sitll not have any algae like diatoms or cyano, i don’t know if it’s a good sign. I’m really a little bit concern about this.

    The problem is that my water is slightly cloudy, not too much, and i don’t know if it’s safe to get some soft corals like ricordeas and a hermit crab.

  18. 哈桑·阿尔沙里夫(Hassan Alsharif) 说:





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