Regal Blue Tang

Blue Tang Comics Now Available
Blue Facts is a cute comic book about the regal blue tang is the perfect responsible move for the aquarium hobby in general. With this free informative guide, both young aquarists and new aquarists can learn all of the most…
First Captive BRED Blue Tangs Arrive At Sea Dwelling Creatures

The captive bred blue tangs that we first reported on a month ago have landed, and Sea Dwelling Creatures is the first to get them. The batch of more than two hundred captive bred blue tangs are all around two inches…

Aquaculturing Dory

Yep, you read that right…and, no, I am not talking about “tank-raised,” a term sometimes mistaken for “tank-bred.” “Tank-raised” (taking young post-planktonic-stage fish and raising them to sellable size) Pacific blue tangs have been available for quite some time (at…

Finding Dory Release Announced—Is a P. hepatus Craze in Our Future?

Well, the word is out that Finding Dory, the long-anticipated sequel to Disney/Pixar’s Finding Nemo, is finally slated for release in June of 2016. If the impact of the sequel is anything like that of the original—a lot of youngsters…

Aberrant regal tang is turning heads at Abyss Aquatic Warehouse, UK

The regal blue tang is one of the perennial favorite fishes of the aquarium hobby, with many admirers loving the bold blue, black and yellow coloration which is so unlike any other reef fish. The appearance of the blue tang…

Fisheye view of my saltwater fish only aquarium

Ask anyone in this hobby about me, and nearly all will tell you that I range from an insatiable coral junkie to a laid back coral connoisseur. One little known secret is that while I hardly keep any fish in my…

The Powder Blue Tang: An Iconic Beauty Demanding Exceptional Care

The powder blue tang (Acanthurus leucosternon) is a breathtakingly beautiful, widely recognized (even among non-hobbyists) marine fish that can be a real pain to maintain in aquaria. While it is possible to keep one successfully under ideal conditions, most specimens…