
ReefAPalooza ushers in a new era of coral reefing education

We’re just five days away from Reefapalooza Orlando and we couldn’t be more pumped! Along with ReefStock and MACNA, no other show has become a cultural event in the marine aquarium community like ReefAPalooza in each of its three locations. We all…

Transport yourself to a natural coral reef ‘aquarium’ in Indonesia

As reefers we stare at our corals in our home aquariums with an idea of what natural coral reefs are like. There are lots of notions about what our corals actually look like on the reef, where they live, and…

Fantastic Reef Scenes of Sumbawa, Indonesia

How many corals can you count in the lush coral gardens of these reefs in Sumbawa Indonesia? Located East of Bali and Lombok and West of Flores & Komodo National Park, this part of Indonesia is even closer to the epicenter of…

Stereonephthya, portrait of an uncommon soft coral

Stereonephthya is an uncommon soft coral which is seriously underrated, both as an aquarium coral, and as a unique member of the coral reef community. The simplest way to describe Stereonephthya is that it’s the lovechild of photosynthetic Nephthea and…

2015 Sumbawa Expedition teaser trailer

In a rare show of foresight, ReefAPalooza together with World Wide Corals have supported us in documenting a unique experience to share with their attendees for their 2016 conferences. For our third concerted aquarium-centric expedition to natural wild reefs, we…

Reef Builders Indonesia Travelogue – Bajau Village on Sumbawa Island

Years ago I read an article about the Bajau Laut “Sea Gypsies” and since then I have always wanted to see one of these community for myself. This past week Reefbuilders had the opportunity to visit a Bajau village and…